Honors Orchestras

There are five different State Wide CODA Honors Orchestras made up of junior high and high school students grades 7-12 that meet once a year to prepare unique and exciting programs:

It is a challenge and honor to be invited to play with any of these elite orchestras. It is a chance to meet and work with various conductors and musicians from around the state. Also it is a great way to represent your school orchestra program at the state level.

In addition to being a memorable and motivating musical experience, your participation in an honors orchestra is viewed favorably by college admissions and scholarships. It proves that you have an accomplished level of musical ability; which demonstrates that you have the character and discipline to challenge yourself to succeed at an honors level in a particular activity. It is also a respected resume builder, which shows you have had diverse educational life experiences.

Auditions are submitted as recordings only, so you don’t have to show up in person to audition to be accepted.  You can record your audition in the comfort of your own home if you have the appropriate equipment. Equipment needs include a method to record and computer to upload sound files.

The time commitment is whatever it takes for you to prepare and record the audition materials, which include a given scale and a page of orchestral excerpts. If your audition is successful and you are invited to participate, you can decide at that time to commit to the 2-3 day rehearsals and public performance.

If you are concerned about your level of musicianship compared to others, please consider that the Davis Orchestra Program is one of the finest in the state.  A healthy majority of Davis music students, with adequate preparation, succeed in these auditions every year and go on to have memorable musical and social experiences.  You could be among these future and former decorated players. Unless you go for it you will never know!

Congratulations to Members of DHS & Holmes Orchestras who  were selected for 2024-25 CODA & All-State Orchestras!

2024 Coda Honors String Orchestra:

Amanda Li, violin, DHS

Rose Zhang, viola, DHS

Wenqi Yang, violin, DHS

2024 Coda Honors Symphony Orchestra:

Jenna Kim, violin, DHS

Leanna Kim, violin, DHS

2025 California JRH School All State Concert Orchestra:

Elijah Ding, violin, Holmes Junior High

Candice Li, cello, Holmes Junior High

2025 California High School All State Symphony Orchestra:

Caitlyn Ohler, violin, DHS

Jenna Son, violin, DHS

Haoching Liu, viola, DHS

Congratulations to Members of DHS & Holmes Orchestras who  were selected for 2023-24 CODA & All-State Orchestras!

2024 California JRH School All State String Orchestra:

Leanna Kim 8 Violin 1 Holmes Junior High

2024 California High School All State String Orchestra:

Jenna Kim 11 Violin 1 Davis Senior HS

Haoching Liu 10 Viola Davis Senior HS

Caitlyn Ohler 11 Violin 1 Davis Senior HS

2023 California High School All State Symphony Orchestra:

Jenna Son 10 Violin 1 Davis Senior HS

Coda Honors String Orchestra:

Kanako Hayashi, violin, Holmes Junior High

Rose Zhang, viola, Holmes Junior High

Wenqi Yang, violin, Davis Senior High

Coda Honors Symphony Orchestra:

Amanda Li, violin, Holmes Junior High

Jennifer Lee, cello, Davis Senior High

Michael Wang, violin, Davis Senior High

Haoching Liu, viola, Davis Senior High